Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2 Activity 3 1/11/11 Bonding of Atoms

Describe covalent and ionic bonding?

What is electronegativity?

List the electronegativity values for H, Na, Cl, and O

Bonding notes:
-When atoms bond together to make molecules
The element of Oxygen = O-O= O2 molecule

H-O-H = H2O molecule

Two types of bonding Ionic and Covalent
Ionic: takes postive and negative the electrons give or take them to bond.
Covalent: Is the sharing of electrons 


  1. 1. Covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons. Whereas, Ionic bonding is the taking away of electrons from the "weaker" element.

    2. Electronegativity is how many electrons the element has. The periodic table shows the electronegativity on each element and based on what side the element is on the periodic table depends on if the element gives one up (left side) or takes on more electrons (right side). For example Hydrogen would give up electrons to Helium.

    3. Hydrogen has 2.20, Sodium has 0.93, Chlorine has 3.16 and Oxygen has and electronegativity of 3.44.

  2. Sources:

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionic_bond

    2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronegativity
