Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 7 Activity 3 1/20/11 Observations

1. Neon
 Looking at the orange light: I see a rainbow spectrum. On the left and right I see red, orange, and yellow vertical lines. and above that I see a horizontal line of the colors of the rainbow.

2. Switched to the has Helium. 
The light is faded. When I look to my right and left I notice one vertical line that is orange and colors of green to red on the spectrum, but its very light. 

3. Argon
Looking at Argon I can see violet colors and the rainbow, but violet is the darkest color I can see.

4. Nitrogen
Looking at Nitrogen I can see a longer and more clearer color spectrum ranging from violet to red and the colors are very clear to see. 

5.Carbon Di oxide
I can see the colors of green yellow and orange the colors on furthest out on each side are faded. 

1 comment:

  1. Notes:

    Hydrogen's electrons travel to another energy level orbital and when the electron hits another orbital it falls back, it produces light.
